Black anthology: echoes of her
Black anthology
is WashU’s oldest cultural show. Focusing on the African American experience, the student-written straight play– cut between dance pieces aligning with the plot– has tackled topics such as police brutality, navigating corporate workspaces as a Black employee, and generational trauma. Each piece seeks to inform audiences, regardless of background, about systemic discrimination or challenges minorities face everyday. This Spring, I had the chance to act in this production.
This year, the show
echoes of her
took on the topic of maternal healthcare, and the striking systemic discrepancies in care between Black women and their counterparts. Following a grief support group for women who have lost women in their life to the systemic racism present in the US healthcare system, Echoes of Her touched on the insurance debt, missed diagnoses or misdiagnoses, violence (intrapersonal and otherwise), and failure of care black women have experienced in navigating healthcare, whether entirely related to maternal care or not.